使用Rstudio 安装 R 包install.packages("ggsignif")时弹出的错误。 解决办法:改成在 R 下安装就可解决,注意不是在 Rstudio 界面。
关闭对话框文件后,如果不生成另一个错误,则无法保存该对话框文件,这一次使用的是以下消息:No such file or directory 接下来,唯一的方法是重新启动RStudio对于roxygen2或devtools来说,这似乎都不是问题,因为我尝试过用RO2构建和不使用Generate文档,并在To 浏览1提问于2017-02-28得票数 8 回答已采纳...
cd ~/.local/share/rstudio/sessions/ 能打开就说明文件存在,如果显示No such file or directory就说明不存在,这个时候咱们不要担心,因为不同的系统存放session文件的目录可能不太一样,上面那条命令不行的小伙伴们咱们试试下面这条命令: cd ~/.rstudio/sessions/ 找到session 文件后,咱们使用rm -rf命令把它删除!
tw-node1157:/usr/lib64 # sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/R/lib/libR.so /path/to/libR.soln: failed to create symbolic link `/path/to/libR.so': No such file or directory 为啥没有这个路径呢 回复2015-09-06 共13 条评论 keycai123 1 发布于 2015-09-05 新手上路,请多包涵 我也遇到了同样...
openedonAug 17, 2021 I am facing this problem for a while now and is boring me... Rstudio won't save my console scripts, returning the message: "No such file or directory". I need to copy and paste the code on a text editor in order to save. It happens that when I run through...
System details OS Version : Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS RStudio Version : 1.1.414 R Version : 3.4.3 (svn rev 73796) Steps to reproduce the problem Open RStudio, make a new file and try to save it. When doing so, a popup emerges saying "No such fi...
rstudio: error while loading shared libraries: libuuid.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory How do I solve this? linux r ubuntu rstudio Share Improve this question Follow edited Feb 8, 2016 at 11:45 rashok 13.3k1717 gold badges9191 silve...
遇到问题,/home/linan/yes/lib/R/bin/exec/R: error while loading shared libraries: libgomp.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 安装libgomp1即可。需要在root下操作。 sudo apt install -y libgomp1 Crtl+D ##退出root ...
/usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rserver: error while loading shared libraries :libssl.so.1.1 :cannot open shared oject file : No such file or directory 解决这个报错,我想到的是,没有libssl.so.1.1文件,就找该文件,放到当前文件夹下就好了,兜兜转转,没有libssl.so.1.1文件,找到了没有libssl.so文件和没...
/usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rserver: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 然后在google上看到了这个,提醒我了 https://community.rstudio.com/t/error-while-loading-shared-libraries-libssl-so-1-0-2/136770/3 ...