选择镜像:在CRAN首页,选择一个离你最近的镜像站点,以加快下载速度。 下载R:在镜像站点页面,找到“Download R”或“Download and Install R”链接,点击下载适合你操作系统的R版本。 安装R: Windows:下载.exe文件后,运行安装程序,按照提示完成安装。 MacOS:下载.pkg文件后,双击打开并按照安装向导完成安装。 Linux:下...
4、有些包(用其他语言编译)需要用到Rtools进行编译 > install.packages("ggplot2") WARNING: Rtools is required to build R packages but is not currently installed. Please download and install the appropriate version of Rtools before proceeding: https://cran.rstudio.com/bin/windows/Rtools/ 下载对...
1: Install R RStudio requires R 3.6.0+. Choose a version of R that matches your computer’s operating system. R is not a Posit product. By clicking on the link below to download and install R, you are leaving the Posit website. Posit disclaims any obligations and all liability with ...
step5:在 Download and Install R 下,选择对应的版本。我的电脑是Windows,故选择第三个下载 step6:点击base step7:点击链接Download R 3.5.1 for Windows,开始下载3.5.1版本的R,约79MB step8:下载完成后安装即可 5.安装RStudio step1:打开RStudio官方网站https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/...
Download R for Windows→base→Previous releases→R 4.1.3→点击下载。 如果想安装最新版的R,点击到图2所示即可,如果想安装之前版本的R,点击到图3所示。这次我打算安装的是R 4.1.3版本。 图2 R最新版本 图3 R历史版本 下载的R安装软件名为R-4.1.3-win.exe,双击开始安装,可全部使用默认设置,也可以自行设...
install.packages("package_name","dir") #第一次安装包,dir可以设置包安装的路径,默认情况下是安装...
Step 1:登录R的官方网站https://www.r-project.org/,点击左上角Download下的CRAN选择镜像。 Step 2:下拉选择China站点,任选一个镜像点击进入,优先选择离你地理位置最近的镜像链接进行下载。 Step 3:在“Download and Install R”下,选择对应的版本。...
step5:在 Download and Install R 下,选择对应的版本。我的电脑是Windows,故选择第三个下载 step6:点击base step7:点击链接Download R 3.5.1 for Windows,开始下载3.5.1版本的R,约79MB step8:下载完成后安装即可 5.安装RStudio step1:打开RStudio官方网站 https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio...
yum install epel-release yum install R completed之后,命令行输入R即打开R的初始界面,有R的提示文档。 安装rstudio 参考rstudio 官网上的内容,Install for Red Hat / CentOS 6-7 To download and install RStudio Server open a terminal window and execute the following commands. ...
1: Install R RStudio requires R 3.6.0+. Choose a version of R that matches your computer’s operating system. R is not a Posit product. By clicking on the link below to download and install R, you are leaving the Posit website. Posit disclaims any obligations and all liability with ...