dim gives you the dimensions of a dataset. Calling dim(women) gives us 15 2, which means 15 rows and two columns. length can be used to count the number of vertical elements in a set. In vectors (see below), this is the number of elements; in data sets like women, this is the ...
Despite Bolin’s relatively low LC/GC ratio, his high global citation count suggests that he has a significant international impact. The higher number of local citations indicates Amin Hoseini SM’s local importance in sustainable construction practices. Local Citations/Global Citations (LC/GC) ...
status_of_existing_checking_account ## 2: status_of_existing_checking_account ## 3: status_of_existing_checking_account ## bin count ## 1: ... < 0 dm%,%0 <= ... < 200 dm 543 ## 2: ... >= 200 dm / salary assignments for at least 1 year 63 ## 3: no c...
When the representation is scientific, the digits argument is the number of digits before the exponent. When the representation is fixed, digits controls the significant digits used for the smallest (in magnitude) number. Each other number will be formatted to match the number of decimal places i...