在解决 RStudio 中修改 Global Options 时遇到的 "permission denied" 错误时,我们可以从以下几个方面入手: 1. 确认用户身份和权限设置 首先,确认你当前使用的用户账户是否具有足够的权限来修改 RStudio 的设置。这通常涉及到对 RStudio 安装目录及其配置文件的读写权限。 2. 检查RStudio全局选项的权限要求 RStudio...
System details RStudio Edition : Desktop RStudio Version : 2024.12.0 Build 467 OS Version : Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS R Version : 4.4.2 Steps to reproduce the problem Navigate to Tools > Global Options... (or Project Options...). Select Code fr...
options(warn = 1) ``` as the R code here sets thewarnoption to match the implicitwarnset during chunk execution. Detecting this is surprisingly challenging without some pretty heavy-handed fixes. Still, this PR fixes the most common case of a user wanting to promote warnings to errors. Aut...
.globals$options <- oldOptionSet }, add = TRUE) shinyOptions(appToken = createUniqueId(8)) ops <- options(warn = max(1, getOption("warn", default = 1)), pool.scheduler = scheduleTask) on.exit(options(ops), add = TRUE) if (is.null(getShinyOption("cache"))) { shinyOptions(cac...