build Error: connect ECONNREFUSED build ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see Artifacts Produced during runtime NameSize r-rstpm2.log 11.8 KB r-rstpm2.package 3.93 MB ...
rstpm2: An R package for link-based survival models NOTE: versions 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 of rstpm2 included a critical bug in the predict function for type in "hr", "hdiff", "meanhr" or "marghr". Introduction This package provides link-based survival models that extend the Royston-Parmar ...
1.Introduction The rstpm2package supportsflexible parametric survival models to model time-to-event data. These models are fully parametric for the survival function.These models are particularly useful for:•Estimating predictions for hazards,hazard differences,hazard ratios,survival,survival di...
运行STP协议的设备采用配置消息BPDU(Bridge Protocol Data Unit,桥协议数据单元)交互信息,一般简称为BPDU。BPDU分为两大类: 配置BPDU(Configuration BPDU):用来计算生成树和维护生成树拓扑的报文。 TCN BPDU(Topology Change Notification BPDU):当拓扑结构发生变化时,用来通知相关设备网络拓扑结构发生变化的报文。 配置BPD...
华为公司的数据通信设备支持以下保护功能,用户可根据实际环境任选其中一个或多个保护功能配置。 应用环境 RSTP(Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol)提供如表6-63所示的各种保护功能。 表6-63 RSTP保护功能 保护功能 场景 配置影响 BPDU保护 边缘端口在收到BPDU以后端口状态将变为非边缘端口,此时就会造成生成树的重新...
The Silent Hill Edition of Dead by Daylight includes the base game, the Silent Hill Chapter, the Alissa Gillespie outfit for Cheryl Mason and the Dark Wish outfit for The Executioner. The Silent Hill Chapter includes a new map, Midwich Elementary School: the childhood trauma that once took pla...
Internal functions for the rstpm2 package.
Predicted values for an stpm2 or pstpm2 fit
Breadcrumbs r-rstpm2-feedstock / conda-forge.yml Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Code Blame 8 lines (8 loc) · 146 Bytes Raw bot: automerge: true conda_build: pkg_format: '2' conda_forge_output_validation: true github:...
A conda-smithy repository for r-rstpm2. Contribute to conda-forge/r-rstpm2-feedstock development by creating an account on GitHub.