'processorOptions' => array( 'Raven_SanitizeDataProcessor' => array( 'fields_re' => '/(user_password|user_token|user_secret)/i', 'values_re' => '/^(?:\d[ -]*?){15,16}$/' ) )Providing Request ContextMost of the time you're not actually calling out to Raven directly, but ...
PHP_EOL; } } // The following methods return arrays with registration token strings $successfulTargets = $report->validTokens(); // string[] // Unknown tokens are tokens that are valid but not know to the currently // used Firebase project. This can, for example, happen when you are ...
Serial.println("Failed to parse config file"); return false; } const char* serverName = json["serverName"]; const char* accessToken = json["accessToken"]; // Real world application would store these values in some variables for
2018-01-12 19:29 - 2018-01-12 19:29 - 000086016 ___ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\XblAuthTokenBrokerExt.dll 2018-01-12 19:29 - 2018-01-12 19:29 - 000085504 ___ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\hascsp.dll 2018-01-12 19:29 - 2018-01-12 19:29 - 000...
It prevents some packages to install like mercurial, php and python. To prevent that, remove the patterns-openSUSE-minimal_base-conflicts package specific for the OpenSuSE version you use [6]. Do this after you've selected the patterns you want to install. Otherwise recommended packages can be...
Use the correct method to get the registration token jeromegamezcommittedJan 19, 2020 Verified 9400641 Commits on Nov 30, 2019 Increase FCM batch request limit to 500 jeromegamezcommittedDec 1, 2019 Verified 7da6dc9 Commits on Sep 16, 2019 Deprecate Kreait\Firebase class jeromegamezcommitte...
uaa.user - scope to indicate this is a user uaa.resource - scope to indicate this is a resource server, used for the /check_token endpoint uaa.admin - scope to indicate this is the super user uaa.none - scope to indicate that this client will not be performing actions on behalf ...
openid - Required to access the /userinfo endpoint. Intended for OpenID clients. groups.update - Allows a group to be updated. Can also be accomplished with scim.write uaa.user - scope to indicate this is a user, also required in the token if using API Authorization Requests Code: ``GE...
uaa.user - scope to indicate this is a user, also required in the token if using API Authorization Requests Code: ``GET /oauth/authorize` (non standard /oauth/authorize)`_ uaa.resource - scope to indicate this is a resource server, used for the /check_token endpoint uaa.admin - scop...
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