RST invariant digital image watermarking based on a new phase-only filtering method [ C]// Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Signal Processing: ICSP '04. Washington, DC: IEEE Press, 2004, 1: 25- 28.Dong Zheng Yan Liu and Jiying Zhao.RST invariant digital image watermarking ...
Paul Phoenix/Tucson Florida Los Angeles San Diego East Bay Oregon Raleigh/Durham New Jersey Washington DC Boston New Mexico Dallas/Fort Worth Within these markets, the company seeks under-performing properties located in prime locations which can be repositioned or operated more efficiently. We also...
Wang N,Niu D.Credit card customer churn prediction based on the RST and LS-SVM[C]// 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,Washington,DC:IEEE Computer Society,2009: 275-279.WANG N,NIU D X.Credit card customer churn predictionbased on the RST and LS-SVM.6th...