Bio.Blast also contains a new qblast function as a replacement for the old qblast function in Bio.Blast.NCBIWWW. The main difference is that the old qblast function in Bio.Blast.NCBIWWW returns the BLAST search results as Python strings, while the new qblast returns bytes objects. Note tha...
Support an open_url config setting in the pserve section of the config file. This url is used to open a web browser when pserve --browser is invoked. When this setting is unavailable the pserve script will attempt to guess the port the server is using from the server:<server_name> ...
containerPort: 443 name: http - containerPort: 9090 name: metrics livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /ping port: 443 readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /ping port: 443 volumeMounts: - mountPath: /etc/pomerium/ name: config volumes: - name: config configMap: name: pomerium --- apiVersion: ...
The debugger UI makes requests using the full URL rather than only the path. :ghsa:`2g68-c3qc-8985` Make reloader more robust when "" is in sys.path. :pr:`2823` Better TLS cert format with adhoc dev certs. :pr:`2891` Inform Python < 3.12 how to handle itms-services URIs ...
There was a bug in this change which still allowed clients which could send multiple full HTTP requests in a single TCP segment to trigger asynchronous processing of later requests, which could lead to out-of-order responses. This has now been corrected and twisted.web should never process a ...
This isn'tquitethe same as the existing VCS reference notation supported by pip. Firstly, the distribution name is moved in front rather than embedded as part of the URL. Secondly, the commit hash is included even when retrieving based on a tag, in order to meet the requirement above that...
There can only be one Not Found view in anyrepoze.bfgapplication. Even if you userepoze.bfg.view.append_slash_notfound_viewas the Not Found view,repoze.bfgstill must generate a404 Not Foundresponse when it cannot redirect to a slash-appended URL; this not found response will be visible to...
If this is anobject, it must contain Python expressions mapping to the list of format strings to use. Each individual string in such a list represents a single path segment, which will be joined together and appended to thebase-directoryto form the complete target directory path. ...
The default value is always equal to maximum number of open zones of the target zoned block device and a value higher than this limit cannot be specified by users unless the option :option:`ignore_zone_limits` is specified. When :option:`ignore_zone_limits` is specified or the target ...
Support for the IContextURL interface that was deprecated in Pyramid 1.3 has been removed. See Pylons#2822 Following the Pyramid deprecation period (1.6 -> 1.8), daemon support for pserve has been removed. This includes removing the daemon commands (start, stop, restart, status) as well as ...