2.5.132 FormatRun 2.5.133 FormulaValue 2.5.134 FrtFlags 2.5.135 FrtHeader 2.5.136 FrtHeaderOld 2.5.137 FrtRefHeader 2.5.138 FrtRefHeaderNoGrbit 2.5.139 FrtRefHeaderU 2.5.140 FtCbls 2.5.141 FtCblsData 2.5.142 FtCf 2.5.143 FtCmo ...
Add option --format to subcommand list of pip cache, with abspath choice to output the full path of a wheel file. (#8355) Improve error message friendliness when an environment has packages with corrupted metadata. (#8676) Make the setup.py install deprecation warning less noisy. We warn on...
Correct type for path argument to send_file. :issue:`5336` Fix a typo in an error message for the flask run --key option. :pr:`5344` Session data is untagged without relying on the built-in json.loads object_hook. This allows other JSON providers that don't implement that. :issue:...
If no library is specified as the current library for the thread, the QGPL library is used. name Specify the name of the library to be searched. Note: If a new file is created, the system uses the IBM-supplied file QASRRSTO with format name QSRRST as a model. ...
Certutil -hashfile MD5 Change %systemdrive% path from C:\Windows to D:\Windows in windows server 2008 during OS installation ? change AD security group name change client dns remotely by cmd change date format for domain user change dns port Change format of phone numbers in AD using power...
Changed default cookie serialization format from pickle to JSON to limit the impact an attacker can do if the secret key leaks. Added template_test methods in addition to the already existing template_filter method family. Added template_global methods in addition to the already existing template_...
Added new packet format P_DATA_V2, which includes peer-id. If both the server and client support it, the client sends all data packets in the new format. When a data packet arrives, the server identifies peer by peer-id. If peer's ip/port has changed, server assumes that client has...
Copy cells to Last Row, Paste to another sheet to Last Row (FIRST EMPTY ROW, adding, not replacing) Hello friends. Im New in VBA. Could you help me on this? So, i have 5 Cells D8:H8 wi... ML_PT Hi, I use something similar in...
Format ZFRST XCP ALLgroupMOD /module/MMMMCCCCcccHRR THRU MMMMCCCCcccHRR damonhhmm/1/ processors ALL Restores the exception records for all of the online modules. group The 1-character letter of the tape group name as defined in the LOGCAP system initialization process (SIP) macro. For exa...
Tumor mutational burden (TMB) in circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) has shown promise in predicting benefit from PD-L1/PD-1 inhibitors in retrospective studies. Aiming to assess blood TMB (bTMB) prospectively, we conducted B-F1RST (NCT02848651), an open-label, phase 2 trial that evaluated bTMB ...