5、在下载好所有必须文件后,我们解压文件,将各文件Gamedata中的内容放入KSP的Gamedata中就安装完成了,这里我们以直接在CKAN下载RSS并删除相关文件后安装好的RSS-Reborn为例,我们额外安装了RSS CanaveralHD、Planetshine、Distant Object Enhancement、Shabby、Shaddy、TUFX、RSS Origin的Skybox等来增强画面,但对于我们来说...
https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/releases If you are currently using the Google Doc version of RSS-Reborn, it is important tocompletelyremove it before hand as the two versions aren't compatible, this includes: RSS-Configs RSS-Terrain RSS-Textures RSSVE-Configs RSSVE-Textures Automatic Install...
778 -- 5:36 App KSP - 火星殖民 E02 - SpaceX 行星际运输系统 547 -- 4:15 App 【KSP】RSS-Reborn 真的成一键安装了 1278 7 16:19 App KSP - RSS-RP-0 Ares 火星系载人探测任务 842 -- 2:28 App 从设计到发射全过程体验? 744 4 13:04 App KSP- 一次性发射 Jool 空间站 9109 59...
【KSP/RO】从苏联LK-700登月计划到各国合作建设月面基地【RSS-Reborn/4K】 RD-171MV· 7-12 29191529:14 KSP 历史架空 美苏联合登陆火星 1960 RSS RO RP1 TMathB· 2022-1-9 1268716:19 KSP - RSS-RP-0 Ares 火星系载人探测任务 没关系o· 2016-11-8 98212622:19 KSP 遥远的未来-海王星 RSS/RO 六...
炸裂!坎巴拉真实太阳重生模组RSS-Reborn美炸了! 鹏然芯恸· 7-13 5085102:05 满足操控和舒适的性价比之王RSS避震 珠海P1汽车改装· 2023-7-28 9.4万26304:36 打破信息茧房,高效获取资讯,RSSHub最简单使用方法 技术爬爬虾· 2-21 47785516:49 KSP-4K Romulus计划-火星载人往返 (RSS/RO/RP-1) 六号奶酪城堡...
https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/releases If you are currently using the Google Doc version of RSS-Reborn, it is important tocompletelyremove it before hand as the two versions aren't compatible, this includes: RSS-Configs RSS-Terrain RSS-Textures RSSVE-Configs RSSVE-Textures Automatic Install...