75. The Live Nagpur RSS Feed RSS Feed thelivenagpur.com/feed Follow RSS Website thelivenagpur.com The Live Nagpur is a 24-hour online news portal operating in Nagpur and adjoining areas conveying relevant and current news about the city. Facebook Followers 16.3KTwitter Followers 686Instagram...
Office blood pressure measurement Blood pressure measurement in the office or clinic is a standard diagnostic test for hypertension and follow-up. A minimum of 2–3 office visits at 1–4-week intervals (depending on the BP level) is required to confirm the diagnosis of hypertension. Diagnosis m...
Hedgewar’s confidence was not misplaced. Several office-bearers and swayamsevaks of the Sangh took part in the Movement as ordinary Hindus. To give direction to the Movement in Satara district and in the Princely States in Southern Maharashtra, a War Council was constituted in February 1939. ...
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