RSS-feeds U ziet dit onderwerp omdat voor deze map een startpagina is ingesteld. Voer de volgende stappen uit om deze pagina te verbergen en uw map weer te geven: Klik met de rechtermuisknop op de mapRSS-feedsin de mappenlijst. KiesEigenschappen>Startpagina. Schakel het selectievakjeS...
有兩個部分可以設置和更改Microsoft Outlook中RSS Feed的更新間隔。 第一部分是取消選中發布者更新建議,第二部分是為RSS Feed定義新的發送/接收組,您將更改其更新間隔。 我們將詳細介紹這些步驟。 第1部分:禁用RSS源的發布者更新建議 步驟1:打開“帳戶設置”對話框: ...
In Outlook 2010 In Outlook 2007 Problem Consider the following scenario. When a user signs in to Microsoft 365 on a new computer, the user's RSS feeds are transferred to the new computer. Additionally, the RSS feeds that are already on the new computer are also added to the user's accou...
In Outlook 2010 In Outlook 2007 ProblemConsider the following scenario. When a user signs in to Microsoft 365 on a new computer, the user's RSS feeds are transferred to the new computer. Additionally, the RSS feeds that are already on the new computer are also added to the user's ac...
Step 2: In the Outlook Options dialog box, clickAdvancedin the left bar. Step 3: Go to theRSS Feedssection: To turn off the RSS Feeds, please uncheck theAny RSS Feed item that is updated appears as newoption, and uncheck theSynchronize RSS Feeds to the Common Feed List (CFL) in Wi...
在Outlook 2010和2013中,請點擊文件>資料包>帳戶設置>帳戶設置. 第2步:在“帳戶設置”對話框中, 點擊RSS訂閱標籤; 選擇並突出顯示要查看其URL地址的RSS Feed。 點擊更改按鈕。 第3步:現在,進入RSS Feed選項對話框,您將在地點:領域。 請參見以下屏幕截圖: ...
Outlook chooses a defaultDelivery Location. To select a different folder, clickChange Folder. On theNew RSS Feed Delivery Locationdialog box, scroll down in the email account where you added the new subfolder in theRSS Feedsfolder. Select the new subfolder and clickOK. ...
Microsoft 365 专属 OutlookOutlook 2021Outlook 2019Outlook 2016Outlook 2013 真正简单的整合 (RSS) 提供了一种从最喜爱的网站阅读最新更新的快速方法。 许多网站都提供 RSS 源,以便在发布新闻文章或文章摘要时也将其发送到 Outlook 中的 RSS 源 文件夹中。 如果已将 RSS 源 添加到 Outlook,并且想要从 RSS 源 ...
When receiving news of RSS Feeds, we can only see the news abstracts in Outlook. If you want to read full news, you must click hyperlinks to open relative web pages of news. Sometimes, the hyperlinks are unable to open the web page, because you are offline, the network speed is slow,...
接收RSS Feed的新闻时,我们只能在Outlook中看到新闻摘要。 如果要阅读完整新闻,则必须单击超链接以打开新闻的相关网页。 有时,超链接无法打开网页,因为您处于脱机状态,网络速度很慢或其他原因。 要解决此问题,您可以下载全文作为附件。 本文将讨论在Microsoft Outlook中自动下载链接到RSS源的完整文章。Office...