Listen to our AI Podcast via SoundCloud, iTunes, or Google Play Music. Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML-based format used for content distribution and syndication. Subscribing to RSS feeds allows you to receive custom, up-to-date information from NVIDIA without having to regularly chec...
You have a great podcast recording software, but are struggling with RSS to broadcast it? Create a podcasting feed and power it up with complete iTunes support, all with a simple online form. Quick and Easy! Branded Feed URLs Use your own domain for your RSS feed URL. Virtually serves yo...
You have a great podcast recording software, but are struggling with RSS to broadcast it? Create a podcasting feed and power it up with complete iTunes support, all with a simple online form. Quick and Easy! Branded Feed URLs Use your own domain for your RSS feed URL. Virtually serves yo...
Podcast Republic 搜索栏搜索 点击相应的节目 看到左边一栏,Open RSS Feed,长按 点复制,获取rss feed 2⃣️添加RSS Feed 以苹果自带的播客为例。 右上角三个点,点击后选择添加一个url,复制链接进去,点订阅。 显示订阅成功,就可以收听了! 注:以上过程都没有🪜 最后的碎碎念: 1、为什么...
如果收听英文播客比较多的话,推荐使用Podcast Republic。检索并打开想要收听的播客,点击页面左侧的 Open RSS feed 复制即可。 播客信息整理:播客笔记 方案1: 直接在播客站点记笔记。 目前,此类工具很少。已知的只有Snipd---Unlock the knowledge in podcasts, Discover and save highlights in podcasts. 如其 Slogan ...
Feed Shark pings a variety of services to notify the world that your blog, website, RSS feed, or podcast has recently been updated or created! It takes less than a minute to use Feed Shark and saves you countless hours of time in the process! Enjoy our service and please remember to ...
The content you can get via RSS feeds isn't just text: Depending on the kind of feed it is, you might get images, audio and video. When you subscribe to a podcast in iTunes, you're subscribing to a feed -- you're just doing it in a different environment. And some Web-based e...
If you're a publisher, you can use an RSS feed to build your email newsletters automatically from your blog, podcast, YouTube, and social content. For example, if your email newsletter is a list of your most recently published posts with titles, links, and brief descriptions, you can ...
New podcast on same RSS feed: how to rename in Apple? I made a brief podcast called The Writer's Diary and ran it through blubrry/powerpress on my wordpress site. I've been trying to set up a new podcast, called Stories for Dreamers. I had forgotten all about the previous podcast...
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