例如,使用expect和to change断言来验证计数的增加或减少。 代码异步执行问题:如果被测试的代码是异步执行的,需要确保在预期更改计数之前等待足够的时间。可以使用Rspec提供的异步测试支持来处理这种情况。例如,使用eventually断言来等待预期的更改计数。 总结起来,解决Rspec预期更改计数不起作用的问题需要仔细检查代码逻辑、...
expect(stoplight.color).toeq("red").oreq("green").oreq("yellow") expect(alphabet).tostart_with("a").andend_with("z") Composing Matchers 以下matchers接受matchers 作为参数。 change().by(matcher)#改变sth等于by(匹配的值) change{}.from(mather).to(matcher)#改变sth,从matcher_val到mather_...
Extended compound matcher support to block matchers, for cases like: expect { ... }.to change { x }.to(3).and change { y }.to(4). (Myron Marston, #567) Include chained methods in custom matcher description and failure message when new include_chain_clauses_in_custom_matcher_descripti...
describe "DELETE stories#destroy" do it "should delete a story" do user = create(:admin) story = create(:story, user: user) login_as(user, scope: :user) visit story_path(story.id) page.should have_link("Delete") expect { click_link "Delete" }.to change(Story,...
it "should create a user" do expect { click_button submit }.to change(User, :count).by(1) end describe "after saving the user" do it { should have_link('Sign out') } end Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 关于如何解决这个问题,我有点不知所措.还有其他类似的帖子,但唉,我...
字符串 如果更改不是属性,而是关系,则可能需要重新加载模型:
end.to change(Widget, :count).by(2) # from(1).to(3) # https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/v/2-0/docs/matchers/expect-change end # 第一种写法 it "is a new widget" do expect(widget).to be_a_new(Widget) ...
expect { thing.approve! }.to change(thing, :status). from(Status::AWAITING_APPROVAL). to(Status::APPROVED) expect { thing.destroy }.to change(Thing, :count).by(-1) Mocks and Stubs === user_mock = mock "User" user_mock.should_receive...
expect { user.send_instructions }.to change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count }.by(1) end end # spec/mailers/notifier_spec.rb require 'spec_helper' describe Notifier do describe 'instructions' do let(:user) { mock_model User, name: 'Lucas', email: 'lucas@email.com' } ...
我们会发现其中一个对象有纳秒,一个对象没有。 但是 fastTime 是相同的。 如果使用 equals 那么这个...