allow(Calculator).to receive(:add).with(2,3).and_return(-5)expect(Calculator.add(2,2)).to eq(4)expect(Calculator.add(2,3)).to eq(-5)endend 配置返回方式 以下是 RSpec 3.4 版本特性 and_return返回值 and_raise抛出异常 and_throw抛出symbol and_yield让方法接受块参数 and_call_original调用...
and_return(value1, value2, value3) allow(double).to receive(:msg).and_raise(error) allow(double).to receive(:msg).and_throw(:msg) allow(double).to receive(:msg).and_yield(values, to, yield) allow(double).to receive(:msg).and_yield(values, to, yield).and_yield(some, other, ...
In Ruby, a block is the collection of statements between the braces and is similar to invoking a method in C#, which uses the yield statement to return control to the calling method.Its natural language approach is one of the reasons why Ruby is excellent to use when testing. The tests,...
In Ruby, un blocco è l'insieme di istruzioni tra le parentesi graffe ed è simile per richiamare un metodo in C# che utilizza l'istruzione yield per restituire il controllo al metodo chiamante. Approccio il linguaggio naturale è uno dei motivi per i quali Ruby rivela ...
toyieldeach line of the file to a block. Enforcing things like this can potentially make the test brittle if we decide to change our mind about the internal implementation of our method, but it also protects us from implementing the method incorrectly and having our tests still pass (more ...
Block-based DSL methods that run in the context of an example (it, before(:each), after(:each), let and subject) now yield the example as a block argument. (David Chelimsky) Warn when the name of more than one example group is submitted to include_examples and it's aliases. (...
One: Case Study Debug sucks, and test rocks! If you use rails, then you should know how to ...
1, 最简单的方法是直接在使用shared examples的地方显式导入(require)。RSpec默认会把spec目录加入LOAD_PATH中,所以你可以用require 'shared_examples_for_widgets'来导入 #{PROJECT_ROOT}/spec/shared_examples_for_widgets.rb。 Put files containing shared examples in spec/support/ and require files in that ...
Unique rules to find Bugs, Vulnerabilities, Security Hotspots, and Code Smells in your JAVASCRIPT code
Generators should explicitly "yield" a value Bug Class methods should be used instead of "prototype" assignments Code Smell Braces and parentheses should be used consistently with arrow functions Code Smell Function constructors should not be used Code Smell Function returns should not be invariant Co...