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* Built-In 5 V/0.5 A Auxiliary Power on RSP-1000 * Built-In 12 V/0.1 A Auxiliary Power on RSP-750, RSP-1500, RSP-2400 and RSP-3000 * Built-In 12 V/0.8 A and 5 V/0.3 A Auxiliary Power on RSP-2000 * Built-In Active PFC Function, PF>0.93 ...
RSP-2400-48 商品编号 C6288140 包装方式 - 商品毛重 1克(g) 商品参数 资料纠错查看类似商品 参数完善中 数据手册PDF 放大查看下载PDF 梯度价格 梯度 售价 折合1盒 1+¥1954.29¥7817.16 200+¥1835.47¥7341.88 500+¥1774.14¥7096.56 1000+¥1743.83¥6975.32 ...
RS Components 电工电料 开关电源 RSP-1000-24 使用说明.pdf,RSComponents电工电料开关电源RSP-1000-24使用说明用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册1000W Power Supply with Single Output RSP-1000 s er ie s Bauart gepruft Sicherheit egel ma ge od o s be wac
switchboards, allowing for installation on systems utilizing most common voltages . Easy mounting options coupled with a compact footprint enable quick installation of the RSPF in panelboards and switchboards in less than 10 minutes .Retrofit F-/PD2-frame,surge protective device F-/PD2-frame ...
0 AD6634 EXAMPLE FILTER RESPONSE 10 0 –10 –20 –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 –80 –90 –100 –110 –120 –130 –140 –150 –1000 –800 –600 –400 –200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 kHz Figure 23. The Filter Above Is Based on a 65 MSPS Input Data Rate and an Output Rate of ...
* Built-In 5 V/0.5 A Auxiliary Power on RSP-1000 * Built-In 12 V/0.1 A Auxiliary Power on RSP-750, RSP-1500, RSP-2400 and RSP-3000 * Built-In 12 V/0.8 A and 5 V/0.3 A Auxiliary Power on RSP-2000 * Built-In Active PFC Function, PF>0.93 ...