工作内容主要涉及税务调研和规划。3️⃣ Risk Consulting Financial Services Intern-summer 2025:适合2025-2026学年的会计、金融、经济学、数据分析、计算机或工商管理专业的学生,要求具备强计算机技能。工作内容包括信息分析,为客户提供上门咨询服务等。4️⃣ Transaction Advisory Services-Associate:适合会计专业的学...
Case study January 27, 2025 Driving sustainability and corporate citizenship in the restaurant industry Consumer goodsESG Article November 26, 2024 IRS extends the research credit claim transition period to Jan. 10, 2026 R&D tax creditTax controversy ...
There are lots of reasons why we felt this was the right thing to do, including the Paris Accord and COP 2026 recommendations as well as the UK Government’s 2050 net-zero target. Increasingly, our clients are favouring partnerships with firms that are taking sustainability action, as are ...
As the government plans to regulate buy now pay later firms by 2026, more than one in ten millennials (13%) and Gen Z (11%) consumers plan to put Christmas on credit using buy now pay later apps, RSM UK’s latest Consumer Outlook reveals. In addition, previous data from RSM UK sho...
Credits Incentives and Methods Intern - Summer 2026 Global Audit Philadelphia, PA No experience required Full time We are the leading provider of professional services to the middle market globally, our purpose is to instill confidence in a world of... Posted 14 days agoSave New to you Tangible...
The admit card for the Junior Instructor recruitment is expected to be released 10-15 days prior to the examination. The admit card will be released on the official website of RSMSSB and the below-given steps can be followed to download it.Candidates can downloadRSMSSB Junior Instructor Admit...
12月21日,全球第六大的会计网络罗申美(RSM)在其官网发布新闻,华普天健会计师事务所(特殊普通合伙)加入罗申美。 在此之前的11月1日,瑞华宣布退出RSM国际网络,国富全球(Crowe Global)为其唯一国际网络。 近些年来,越来越多的内资所纷纷加入或自创了国际会计网络,对于这样一个变化,友誉财务管理咨询HR曾表示: ...
Educational Qualification:Candidates must possess relevant qualifications such as 12th, GNM, Diploma, Graduate, or Postgraduate degrees in the respective fields. Age Limit:The minimum age is 21 years, while the maximum age is 40 years as of January 1, 20...
By the second half of 2025 and into 2026, inflation should trend back down towards 2%. Three factors are driving this rebound: rising energy prices, budget measures increasing costs, and faster economic growth. Despite these pressures, inflation is not expected to spiral out of control. ...
岗位职责: 1. 支持部门招聘需求,直聘完成简历筛选、意向沟通、面试流程推进等工作kanzhun2. 人力资源事务性工作支持,如入职、离职、劳动合同签订等手续办理 3. 协助完成团队需要的其他工作 任职要kanzhun求: 1. 2025、2026年毕业,本科及以上学历在读,专业不限,人力资源、法学、会计、心理学等相关背景优先 2.曾...