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Environmental / Social - Risk 2Regulation of greenhouse gas emissions and other governmental regulations could impose costs on our operations, the magnitude of which is difficult to estimate. Efforts to curtail the emission of greenhouse gases and to ameliorate the effects of climate change continue ...
Year T-Note2 Year T-NoteUltra T-Note30 Day Fed Funds3-Month SOFRCrude Oil BrentCrude Oil WTIGas OilUK Natural GasDutch TTF GasRBOB BlendstockHeating OilEuro BundEuro BoblEuro SchatzEuro BuxlEuro OAT Long-TermEuro BTP Long-TermEurex Conf Long-TermEuro Bono Long-Term10-Year Long Gilt3-...
ABO ELNOUR, "Benchmarking RSG-GAS Reactor Ther- mal Hydraulic Data Using RELAP5 code", Annals of Nuclear Energy 70 (2014)I.D. Abdelrazek, M. Naguib Aly, A.A. Badawi, A.G. Abo Elnour, Benchmarking RSG GAS reactor thermal hydraulic data using RELAP5 code, Annals of Nuclear Energy, ...
“Since Vine’s inception, we have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship,” commented Eric Marsh, chairman, president and CEO of Vine Energy, in a release from the company on Aug. 2. Based in Plano, Texas, Vine Energy on the development of natural gas properties in...
RIDIKAS, "A Comparative Assessment of Independ- ent Thermal-hydraulic Models for Re- search Reactors: The RSG-GAS Case", Nuclear Engineering and Design 268 (2014).Chatzidakis, S., Hainoun, A., Doval, A., Alhabet, F., Francioni, F., Ikonomopoulos, A., Ridikas, D., 2014. A ...
The expression patterns of plant growth promoting genes, repression of shoot growth (RSG) protein and ent-kaurenoic acid oxidase (KAO) of gibberellins (GAs), during the early breakage of seed dormancy and germination were assessed and indicated the involvement of a GA-medi...