TABLE 4-2 Modes Used With the bootmode Command Mode -u normal forth Description Force the server to direct the console to RSC; the -u option must precede any boot_mode you specify; requires server reset Normal boot; server runs low-level diagnostics; requires server reset Enter Forth ...
TABLE 4-2 Modes Used With the bootmode Command Mode -u normal forth reset_nvram diag skip_diag Description Force the server to direct the console to RSC; the -u option must precede any boot mode you specify; requires server reset Normal boot; server runs low-level diagnostics; requires ...
TABLE 4-2 Modes Used With the bootmode Command Mode -u normal forth Description Force the server to direct the console to RSC; the -u option must precede any boot_mode you specify; requires server reset Normal boot; server runs low-level diagnostics; requires server reset Enter Forth ...
TABLE 4-2 Modes Used With the bootmode Command Mode -u normal forth reset_nvram diag skip_diag Description Force the server to direct the console to RSC; the -u option must precede any boot mode you specify; requires server reset Normal boot; server runs low-level diagnostics; requires ...