Respiratory Volume Monitoring for Assessment of Ventilation and RSBI Score Pre- and Post-Extubationdoi:10.1016/j.chest.2016.08.304Robison, SarahEversole, DanielDiaz-Gomez, JoseMoss, JohnElsevier Inc.Chest
Score: 4.8/5 15 votes RSBI isan important predictor of weaning outcome. Serial RSBI and RSBI rate have better predictive value than a single RSBI measurement. However, interpretation of RSBI values must take in consideration certain technical aspects, such as the ventilator settings as well as the...
(2)氧合指标:PaO2 /FiO2>150,PEEP≤8 mbar,FiO2≤0.4,pH≥7.25,COPD患者:pH>7.30,PaO2>50 mm Hg,FiO2<0.35。(3)血流动力学稳定,没有活动的心肌缺血,临床上没有显著的低血压。(4)有自主呼吸的能力、有效咳嗽。(5)格拉斯哥昏迷评分(glasgow comascore,GCS)>13分,患者知情同意;排除标准:气管切开,无上腔...
A validity argument for score meaning of a computer-based ESL academic collocational ability test based on a corpus-driven approach to test design Among the language capacities that L2 learners of English develop as they increase their proficiency is the ability to use appropriate collocations in the...