ForWindows 11 21H2/22H2– and Optional Features ISO) For example, for Windows 10 22H2 x64 you need to download the image file19041.1.191206-1406.vb_release_amd64fre_FOD-PACKAGES_OEM_PT1_amd64fre_MU...
您無法從 [控制台] 中使用 [開啟及關閉 Windows 功能] 對話方塊為Windows 10 版本 1809 和更新版本安裝 RSAT 工具,與舊版的版本稍有不同。 RSAT 現在是作業系統的一部分,可透過 選擇性功能新增。若要啟用工具,請選取 [啟動>設定>應用程式] (如果您使用 Windows 10 版本 22H2 或更新版本,請改...
Win 10升级到20H2版本后RSAT的重装办法 前几天电脑操作系统Win 10升级到20H2版本后RSAT消失不见了,需要重新安装。按照如下的Powershell代码即可安装成功。 首先以管理员身份打开Powershell,将如下命令逐行复制粘贴后运行: 1. $currentWU = Get-ItemProperty -Path “HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows...
Launch the Windows 11Settingsapp. \n SelectAppsfrom the left pane. \n ChooseOptional features. \n is an essential tool for Windows administrators. This tool is designed to help administrators manage and maintain the servers from a remote location. Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) ...
When will we see the addition of RSAT such as Active Directory, DHCP and Group Policy Management on Windows 11 Pro using ARM64? Hopefully this will have its priority bumped up now that Microsoft will be bringing out more ARM based computers. It is unfortunate that it has taken so long....
When i look in installed Windows updates the update does not show in there as being installed. I am running a fully licensed version of Windows 10 Enterprise in English so the RSAT install should work. but it's not! All replies (8)Wednesday...
"external-10":"Learning Room Directory","microsoft-learn-blog":"Blog","windows":"Windows","i-t-ops-talk":"ITOps Talk","external-link-1":"View All","microsoft-securityand-compliance":"Microsoft Security","public-sector":"Public Sector","community-info-center":"Lounge","external-li...
Hi,on a fresh Win 10 insider client (16278 updated to 16299) I installed Windows_InsiderPreview_RSAT_x64_16279 but it seems to be missing DNS Server...
We install RSAT for our technicians by using: Get-WindowsCapability -Name RSAT* -Online | Add-WindowsCapability -Online The...
\n Typethe below command and pressEnterkey. \n \n Get-WindowsCapability -Name RSAT* -Online | Select-Object -Property DisplayName, State \n \n You'll get alistof allRSATfeatures and theircurrent statewhetherinstalledornot present.