RSAT for Windows 10 平台和工具支持矩阵 适用于 Windows 10 版本 1809 或更高版本的 RSAT 参考 RSAT 使 IT 管理员能够从运行 Windows 10 和 Windows 7 Service Pack 1 的计算机上远程管理 Windows Server 中的角色和功能。 原始KB 数:2693643 简介 ...
8.1, and Windows 8, tools are once again all enabled by default. You can openTurn Windows on or offto disable tools that you don't want to use. In RSAT for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 8, GUI-based tools are accessed from within the Serv...
Active Directory Domain Servers and Lightweight Directory Services Tools: Rsat.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS.Tools~~~ BitLock Drive Encryption Administration Tools: Rsat.BitLocker.Recovery.Tools~~~ Active Directory Certificate Services: Rsat.CertificateServices.Tools~~~ DHCP Server Tools: ...
However, Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 10 cannot be installed on any versions of the Windows Server operating system.You can download and install the 32 and 64 bit versions of these tools, here are some of the things to watch for... Remote Server Administration...
· SMTP Server Tools · Storage Manager for SANs Tools · Windows System Resource Manager Tools The tools in the following list are fully supported managing Windows Server 2003 servers as well: · Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) Tools ...
If you're a Windows IT administrator, you've probably heard of RSAT before, but for everyone else, there's a good chance this crucial tool is completely new to you. RSAT is short for Remote Server Administration Tools, and as the name sort of suggests, it's a set of tools useful ...
Tired of walking to your server room just to reset a password? Learn how to install RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) and keep your daily steps to a minimum.
Server Manager Rsat.Shielded.VM.Tools~~~ RSAT: Shielded VM Tools Rsat.StorageMigrationService.Management.Tools~~~ RSAT: Storage Migration Service Management Tools Rsat.StorageReplica.Tools~~~ RSAT: Storage Replica Module for Windows PowerShell Rsat.SystemInsights.Management.Tools...
摘要: 微软Windows Vista管理部门的高级产品经理为你介绍Windows Server 2008R SAT for WindowsVistaSP1的新特性.并着重强调了RSAT与组策略的集成.关键词: Windows Server;Vista;管理部门;Remote Tools;SP1 SAT DOI: JournalArticle/5aeccafbc095d710d4044eb2 年份: 2008 ...
RSAT是Remote Server Administration Tools的简称,可以实现在Windows客户端电脑上对AD进行日常管理。WinXP/7/10都有对应版本的RAST,可以根据需要从微软官方下载。 目前企业中Win7几乎都已经升级到了Win1,此文档以在Win10上安装RSAT为例讲解如何安装及使用。