1、从个人证书库中寻找存在私钥且和给定公钥相匹配的证书,如果不存在,则返回NULL 2、用RSA_new()创建一个新的RSA结构,把公钥的n和e复制过去 3、设置新的RSA结构的flags为RSA_FLAG_SIGN_VER,并为之设置一个可以调用CSP的RSA_METHOD结构 4、返回该RSA结构。 实现的关键是RSA_METHOD结构。
Originally we use the RSA_set_method as what libp11 done by below key steps: RSA_METHOD *PKCS11_get_rsa_method(void) { static RSA_METHOD *ops = NULL; if (!ops) { alloc_rsa_ex_index(); ops = RSA_meth_dup(RSA_get_default_method()); if (!op...
A computation for batch processing public key encryption method using a processor. The method batch processes an e1 root of a first message-data signal, M1, as M1<1/e1>, and an e2 root of a second message-data signal, M2, where e1 and e2 are relatively prime, using the steps of ...
The FromXmlString initializes an RSA object using key information in an XML string that was generated using the ToXmlString method. The FromXmlString method accepts either an XML string containing a public key or an XML string containing a public and private key. Use the FromXmlString method to ...
Azure.Commands.KeyVault.SecurityDomain.Models Assembly: Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.KeyVault.dll C# 复制 public byte[] GetCEK (System.Security.Cryptography.RSA private_key); Parameters private_key RSA Returns Byte[] Applies to 产品版本 Azure - PowerShell Commands 12 (LTS), Late...
RSAEncryptionPadding The padding mode. bytesWritten Int32 When this method returns, the total number of bytes written intodestination. This parameter is treated as uninitialized. Returns Boolean trueifdestinationis long enough to receive the decrypted data; otherwise,false. ...
Claim CreateRsaClaim (System.Security.Cryptography.RSA rsa); Parameters rsa RSA An RSA object that represents an RSA cryptographic key. This parameter must not be null. If this parameter is null, this method throws an ArgumentNullException exception. Returns Claim The Claim object this method ...
JsonWebKey.CanonicalizeRSA MethodReference Feedback DefinitionNamespace: Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.WebKey Assembly: Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.WebKey.dll Package: Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.WebKey v3.0.5 Source: JsonWebKey.cs C# Копиране public void CanonicalizeRSA (); Appl...
PKCS1MaskGenerationMethod RandomNumberGenerator RC2 RC2CryptoServiceProvider Rfc2898DeriveBytes Rijndael RijndaelManaged RNGCryptoServiceProvider RSA RSACng RSACng Constructors Properties Methods Decrypt Encrypt ExportEncryptedPkcs8PrivateKey ExportParameters ImportEncryptedPkcs8PrivateKey ImportParameters ImportPkcs8Priv...