我们一起学习RSA-PSS 算法 2018年发布的 TLS v1.3(TLS:Transport Layer Security,传输安全层协议,TLS v1.3 对应 RFC 8446)中,其支持的数字签名算法有:RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5、RSASSA-PSS、ECDSA(Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm,椭圆曲线签名算法)、EdDSA(Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm,爱德华曲...
二、来讲讲RSASA-PSS 2018年发布的 TLS v1.3(TLS:Transport Layer Security,传输安全层协议,TLS v1.3 对应 RFC 8446)中,其支持的数字签名算法有:RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5、RSASSA-PSS、ECDSA(Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm,椭圆曲线签名算法)、EdDSA(Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm,爱德华曲线签...
static knownAlgorithmNames = () => Object.keys(RsaPss._presets) as RsaPssQualifiedAlgorithms[] constructor( variant : RsaPssQualifiedAlgorithms ) { this.name = variant; } } for( const n of RsaPss.knownAlgorithmNames() ) { Signing.registerSignatureScheme( n , new RsaPss(n) ) } })();...
EdDSA is a modern algorithm that is considered to be more secure than RSA and ECDSA. It is based on the Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm. The only currently supported curve by JWTKit is Ed25519. You can create an EdDSA key using its coordinates: ...
La estructuraCRYPT_RSA_SSA_PSS_PARAMETERScontiene los parámetros de una firma RSA PKCS #1 v2.1. Esta estructura se usa con lostipos de codificación PKCS_RSA_SSA_PSS_PARAMETERSyszOID_RSA_SSA_PSS. Miembros HashAlgorithm EstructuraCRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIERque identifica el algoritmo hash que se ...
2018年发布的 TLS v1.3(TLS:Transport Layer Security,传输安全层协议,TLS v1.3 对应 RFC 8446)中,其支持的数字签名算法有:RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5、RSASSA-PSS、ECDSA(Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm,椭圆曲线签名算法)、EdDSA(Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm,爱德华曲线签名算法)。