= NULL) { BN_free(r->n); r->n = n; } if (e != NULL) { BN_free(r->e); r->e = e; } if (d != NULL) { BN_free(r->d); r->d = d; } return 1; } int RSA_set0_factors(RSA *r, BIGNUM *p, BIGNUM *q) { /* If the fields p and q in r are NULL, the...
I can get a key that works for decryption if I also pass the d instead of the final NULL, like RSA_set0_key(rsa, n, e, d). (PEM_write_RSAPrivateKey() also returns 0 and prints nothing for the key I create with that method, however) I have added the code below as a test t...
RSA_SET0_KEY(),RSA_SET0_FACTORS和RSA_SET0_CRT_PARAMS()在成功时返回1或失败时为0。 我使用rsa_set0_key进行键(n,e,d)设置,rsa_private_encrypt还可以,但是rsa_public_decrypt始终失败 很难说您的使用情况 RSA_public_decrypt。也许您可以添加一些代码,说明返回值是什么,并说明 ERR_get_err 当功能失败...
fromCrypto.Util.numberimport*fromgmpy2importnext_primeimportrandom# p = getPrime(512)# q = next_prime(next_prime(p) + random.randint(2 ** 10, 2 ** 15))deffermat_factors(n):""" Factor given number using Fermat approach, starting from sqrt(n) :param n: modulus to factor :return: p...
Weak prime factors (p具线性特征)适用情况:pp 满足ap=u0+M1u1+⋯+Mkukap=u0+M1u1+⋯+Mkuk先根据 nn 确定MM 的大小,再根据 MM 选取符合要求的 kk 和cc ,然后构造一个格如下:M(L)=⎡⎢⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢⎣100⋯0CM2k010⋯0CM2k−1⋮⋮⋮⋱⋮⋮000⋯1CM...
(r = sshbuf_get_bignum2(b, &rsa_q)) != 0) goto out; if (!RSA_set0_key(key->rsa, NULL, NULL, rsa_d)) { r = SSH_ERR_LIBCRYPTO_ERROR; goto out; } rsa_d = NULL; /* transferred */ if (!RSA_set0_factors(key->rsa, rsa_p, rsa_q)) { r = SSH_ERR_LI...
defrsaDecompose(p):"""分解p为两个素数的乘积:param p::return:"""factors=set()temp=pn=2# 求小于 p 的所有素数:埃氏筛法whiletemp>1:iftemp%n==0:factors.add(n)temp=temp//nelse:n+=1iflen(factors)!=2:return[-1,1]forminfactors:forninfactors:ifm*n==pandm!=n:return[min(m,n),ma...
代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 1type PrivateKey struct{2PublicKey// public part.3D*big.Int// private exponent4Primes[]*big.Int// prime factors of N, has >= 2 elements.5// Precomputed contains precomputed values that speed up private6// operations, if available.7Precomputed Precom...
rsa_set0_key函数通常来源于OpenSSL库,特别是用于设置RSA密钥对的函数。因此,首先确保你的项目中确实需要使用OpenSSL库,并且该函数在你的OpenSSL版本中是存在的。 检查是否正确安装并链接了该库: 确保你的系统上已经安装了OpenSSL库。你可以通过以下命令检查(以Linux为例): bash openssl version 如果未安装,可以通...
type.univ import Sequence, Integer PEM_TEMPLATE = b'---BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY---\n%s---END RSA PRIVATE KEY---\n' DEFAULT_EXP = 65537 def factor_modulus(n, d, e): """ Efficiently recover non-trivial factors of n See: Handbook of Applied Cryptography 8.2.2 Security of RSA -> (i...