Required Components:Devices are supported based on the version of RIM BlackBerry OS. See RIM BlackBerry OS Supported Versions for RSA SecurID Software Token 3.5 RSA Authentication Manager (6.1 or 7.1) Optional Components:BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0, BlackBerry Desktop Software version 4.5 or lat...
首先,我觉得这几乎是无懈可击的密保技术。其次,RSA的 SecurID卡在国内在几百RMB一个。而163的这东西,实在是便宜…… RSA 令牌 SID700 RSA SecurID 以前一直对这东西的原理很好奇。今天翻了些文档,略微整理如下: 1、密码: 登陆密码=f(静态密码,动态密码)。 静态密码就是用户自己设置的一个密码。 动态密码是...
Using the RSA Authentication Agent for Microsoft Windows Local Authentication Client, organizations can enable RSA SecurID authentication using the Remote Desktop Connection client. Alternatively, UAG can also enable RSA two-factor authentication for RDS (see UAG below). In both cases, the resulting con...