PublicKeypublicKey=keyPair.getPublic(); 1. 这段代码通过getPublic方法从密钥对中获取公钥。 3.4 获取公钥的长度 最后,我们获取公钥的长度。 intpublicKeyLength=publicKey.getEncoded().length;System.out.println("公钥长度为:"+publicKeyLength+"字节"); 1. 2. 这段代码通过getEncoded方法获取公钥的字节数组,...;;;;publicclassRSAKeyLength{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args)throwsException{// 生成RSA密钥对KeyPairGeneratorkeyPairGenerator=KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");...
keyPairGen.initialize(KeyLength,newSecureRandom()); // 生成一个密钥对,保存在keyPair中 KeyPair keyPair = keyPairGen.generateKeyPair(); RSAPrivateKey privateKey = (RSAPrivateKey) keyPair.getPrivate();// 得到私钥 RSAPublicKey publicKey = (RSAPublicKey) keyPair.getPublic();// 得到公钥 Strin...
rsa:1024 有时候是 the key length. The longer the length, the safer it is days is the days for effective period for this cert. In this case, is 10-Years 然后,将public_key.der拖到iOS project然后使用RSA.h RSA.m . 参考:
public_pem=rsa.publickey().exportKey()withopen('public.pem','wb')asf:f.write(public_pem) 生成秘钥对的时候,可以指定生成秘钥的长度,一般推荐使用 1024bit, 1024bit 的 rsa 公钥,加密数据时,最多只能加密 117byte 的数据,数据量超过这个数,则需要对数据进行分段加密;为保证更安全,尽量使用 2048bit ,最...
(false,PublicKeyParameter<RSAPublicKey>(publicKey));//分段解密//原始数据List<int>sourceBytes=base64Decode(content);//数据长度int inputLength=sourceBytes.length;// 缓存数组List<int>cache=[];// 分段解密 步长为MAX_DECRYPT_BLOCKfor(vari=0;i<inputLength;i+=MAX_DECRYPT_BLOCK){//剩余长度int ...
一 代码 import rsa key = rsa.newkeys(3000)#生成随机秘钥 privateKey = key[1]#私钥 publicKey = key[0]#公钥 message...better than never.' print('Before encrypted:',message) message = message.encode() cryptedMessage = rsa.encrypt...(message, publicKey) print('After encrypted:\n',crypt...
Returns the public exponent value of the key in plain text. shortgetModulus(byte[] buffer, short offset) Returns the modulus value of the key in plain text. voidsetExponent(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length) Sets the public exponent value of the key. ...
RSA keys are stored as an ASN.1 structure, meaning that the length of the raw key bytes is only indirectly related to the key length in bits. You can learn more about this formatting in RFC 3447 (aka PKCS#1). Specifically, look at Sections 3.1 and 3.2, which define the basics, and ...