function rsaEncrypt(message: string) { const publicKey = '---BEGIN PUBLIC KEY---***' //your public key const buffer = Buffer.from(message, 'utf8'); const encrypted = crypto.publicEncrypt({ key: publicKey, padding: crypto.constants.RSA_PKCS1_PADDING }, buffer); return encrypted.toStrin...
Another use case of RSA is to have a secure key exchange between two parties who have not previously shared a secret key. The two parties involved generate a public-private key pair using the RSA algorithm. The sender generates a symmetric key, encrypts it using the receiver’s public key,...
如果在系统里面存在诡异的字体,同时自己的 WPF 中有一个控件尝试使用这个字体放在界面中,那么将会在界面布局过程炸了,整个控件或者整个界面布局都无法继续 最近
publicEncrypt({key:publicKey, padding : crypto.constants.RSA_PKCS1_PADDING}, buffer) return encrypted.toString("base64"); } RSA加密算法一次最多加密117字节数据(对会话密钥添加随机数),补充到128位,经过加密后得到一个长度为128字节的加密数据,故超过117位需要分段加密 function rsaEncrypt(message: ...