托斯卡纳(Tuscany) 托斯卡纳是意大利最知名的明星产区,北邻艾米里亚-罗马涅(Emilia-Romagna),西北临利古里亚(Liguria),南接翁布利亚(Umbria)和拉齐奥(Latium),西靠第勒尼安海(Tyrrhenian Sea),地理位置优越。托斯卡纳之于意大利中部,好比波尔多之于法国。托斯卡纳主要为地中海气候,冬季温和,夏季炎热干… 【详情】 同...
It states that the company has announced that it expects losses of 40 million pounds. It mentions that the insurance group also suffered losses in relation to the two earthquakes in Italy's Emilia-Romagna region in May 2012, which estimated at around 35 million dollars....
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托斯卡纳(Tuscany) 托斯卡纳是意大利最知名的明星产区,北邻艾米里亚-罗马涅(Emilia-Romagna),西北临利古里亚(Liguria),南接翁布利亚(Umbria)和拉齐奥(Latium),西靠第勒尼安海(Tyrrhenian Sea),地理位置优越。托斯卡纳之于意大利中部,好比波尔多之于法国。托斯卡纳主要为地中海气候,冬季温和,夏季炎热干… 【详情】 同...
coli strains, isolated during the period 2000-2003 in Lombardia and Emilia Romagna from European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) with enteritis. The aims of the study were first to investigate which selected O-antigens were mostly associated with rabbits enteric disease and then to detect other ...
The higher percentages (70-100%) were found in those regions where is concentrated most of intensive rabbit production (Lombardia, Emilia Romagna, Piemonte, Veneto and Campania). This survey shows that RHDVa is present in most part of Italy and that it is rapidly replacing the RHDV "classical...