很多参展商会在官网放出一些Discount Code、Invitation Code。比如下面是proofpoint提供的: 全票(Full Conference)减免 $150 优惠券码:52FCDPROOFPT 免费的展会门票(Expo only,官网售价 $99)邀请码:54SPROOFPTXP Keynote议题与嘉宾阵容抢先看 注:以下时间均为美国西部时间(比中国慢15小时) 议题投稿趋势 另附组委会...
很多参展商会在官网放出一些Discount Code、Invitation Code。比如下面是proofpoint提供的: 全票(Full Conference)减免 $150 优惠券码:52FCDPROOFPT 免费的展会门票(Expo only,官网售价 $99)邀请码:54SPROOFPTXP Keynote议题与嘉宾阵容抢先看 注:以下时间均为美国西部时间(比中国慢15小时) 编号 主题 主讲人 时间 ...
Be our guest and take advantage of our Free Expo Passes or discounted Exhibit Hall passes using the discount codes below. Discount ticket - $150 off the full conference price Registration link: https://path.rsaconference.com/flow/rsac/us24/us24regdefault/login Discount Code: 52FCDPROOFPT ...
RSA Conference conducts information security events around the globe that connect you to industry leaders and highly relevant information. We also deliver, on a regular basis, insights via blogs, webcasts, newsletters and more so you can stay ahead of cy
Full Conference Expo Plus Expo Early Bird(Oct 21 - Jan 10)× RegularREGULAR 2-4 (For Convenience Only; Discount Does Not Apply.)LoyaltyPlusGovernment1DayStudent/Faculty $2,195$2,195$1,895$1,895$1,250$725 $395$395$395$395$395$395 ...