In most cases today the social engineer never comes face to face with their target. In social engineering we exploit the attributes of the human decision making process known as " cognitive biases ." That was the question asked by the Team of Gu... Comodo Hacker - "...
The RSA algorithm is one of the most widely used encryption tools in use today. If you've used computers made by Samsung, Toshiba, and LG, you've probably used a device with an embeddedRSA-enabled chip. Some people use RSA explicitly, and they dig deep into the math before they send ...
Quantum computing poses a great opportunity but also a great threat to internet security; certain mathematical problems that form the basis of today’s most popular cryptographic algorithms will be much easier to solve with quantum than with “classical” computers. Recently, Chinese researchers have ...
Before joining Information Security Media Group in 2014, where he now serves as the executive editor, DataBreachToday and for European news coverage, Schwartz was the information security beat reporter for InformationWeek and a frequent contributor to DarkReading, among other publications. He lives in...
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"Today, joining forces with DP World elevates our capabilities to serve the industry and extend our regional specialisation and reach, to reshape the food distribution landscape in the region. "With the support of logistics leaders Ameri...
Today, that thinking needs to be revised thanks to the work of Craig Gidney atGoogle in Santa Barbaraand Martin Ekerå at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. These guys have found a more efficient way for quantum computers to perform the code-break...
Encryption algorithms can be intimidating to approach, what’s with all the math involved. However, once you start digging into them, you can break the math apart into smaller steps, and get a feel of what goes into encryption being the modern-day magic we take for granted. Today, [Henry...
Tom:Yeah, Patrick’s really good. He’s always breaking news. I mean, he’s always got something up his sleeve in terms of news and his research. He’s a pretty sharp cookie. Lindsey:Yeah, definitely. Well, for all our listeners, be sure to continue to come on to Threatpost and ...
ALEXANDRIA, Va. — September 26, 2024 — TRSA’s 111th Annual Conference concluded today in Colorado Springs, Colo., where its new board members were elected at its Annual Business Meeting. Randy Bartsch, Chairman of Ecotex Healthcare Linen Service ...