因此要定义接收使能,并默认接收模式);接着定义RS485_Receive_Data(u8 *buf,u8 *len)函数,从缓冲数组内接收数据,注意判断是否接收完成;然后关闭接收模式,开启发送模式,定义了RS485_Send_Data(u8 *buf,u8 len),本质是调用串口发送函数USART_SendData(USART2,buf[t]);来实现。
Send_Buf[2] = (InputAddr>>8); Send_Buf[3] = (InputAddr&0XFF); Send_Buf[4] = (OutVlaue>>8); Send_Buf[5] = (OutVlaue&0XFF); Temp_crc = CRC16_Fanction(Send_Buf,6); Send_Buf[6] = (Temp_crc&0XFF); Send_Buf[7] = (Temp_crc>>8); RS485_Send_Data(Send_Buf,8); ...
1. i have worked with RS485 to collect data from flow meters and RS485 enable sensors, usually that is need 8 byte request for send the data that is still now working fine but now i have checked the PLC data through modscan32 and 64 software's those are send 9 bytes data for receiv...
u8 RS485_RX_BUF[64]; //接收缓冲,最大64个字节.; void RS485_Send_Data(u8 *buf,u8 len); void RS485_Receive_Data(u8 *buf,u8 *len); #endif /* RS485_RS485_H_ */ rs485.c文件: #include "rs485.h" #include "Uart.h" volatile unsigned char RS485_REC_Flag = 0; //接收缓存区 ...
send_data = {1,2,3,4,5} SendEn() LIB_Uart1BlockSend(send_data) RecvEn() end --查询是否收到PC端发来的5字节数据,并验证 recv_flag,recv_data = LIB_Uart1Recv() if recv_flag == 1 and #recv_data == 5 then if recv_data[1] == 6 and recv_data[2] == 7 and recv_data[3]...
SendData[#SendData+1] = data[i] end --发送数据包 LIB_Uart0Send(SendData) LIB_DelayMs(100)--延时不能低于100ms,不然会有个别指令收不到回复 --查询Uart0是否收到0xaa应答 u0_flag,u0_tab = LIB_Uart0Recv() if u0_flag == 1 and u0_tab[1] == 0xaa then ...
1、在主函数中,扫描按键。一旦key0按下,首先将5个字节的数据存入rs485buf[]数组中,然后调用RS485_Send_Data(rs485buf,5);函数将5个字节的数据发送到串口。 2、进入RS485_Send_Data();函数中,先通过标志位将485设置为发送模式(RS485_TX_EN=1),然后循环5次,将这5个字节数据,通过库函数:USART_Send_Data...
extern u8 RS485_RX_BUF[64]; //接收数据缓冲 extern u8 RS485_RX_CNT; //接收到的数据长度 #define RS485_TX_EN PDout(7) //485模式控制:0接收;1发送 void RS485_Send_Data(u8 *buf,u8 len) { u8 t; RS485_TX_EN=1; for(t=0;t<len;t++) { while(USART_GetFlagStatus(USART2, USART...