We tested if the ε4 major isoform of the APOE gene and rs405509 and rs440446 promoter and intron-1 polymorphisms predicted risk of any dementia or Alzheimer's disease with diagnoses derived from the Hospital Discharge and Causes of Death Registers in 1453 participants of the Helsinki Birth Co...
We tested if the ε4 major isoform of the APOE gene and rs405509 and rs440446 promoter and intron-1 polymorphisms predicted risk of any dementia or Alzheimer's disease with diagnoses derived from the Hospital Discharge and Causes of Death Registers in 1453 participants of the Helsinki Birth Co...
We tested if the ε4 major isoform of the APOE gene and rs405509 and rs440446 promoter and intron-1 polymorphisms predicted risk of any dementia or Alzheimer's disease with diagnoses derived from the Hospital Discharge and Causes of Death Registers in 1453 participants of the Helsinki Birth Co...
rs405509的TT等位基因与ApoE ε4在非痴呆老人的认知损伤及其潜在的默认模式网络中有协同作用 来自 benthamsciencepublishers.org 喜欢 0 阅读量: 125 作者: Chao Ma 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 benthamsciencepublisher.org benthamsciencepublishers.org benthamscience.com benthamscience...
We tested if the ε4 major isoform of theAPOEgene and rs405509 and rs440446 promoter and intron-1 polymorphisms predicted risk of any dementia or Alzheimer's disease with diagnoses derived from the Hospital Discharge and Causes of Death Registers in 1453 participants of the Helsinki Birth Cohort...
上海复星旅游管理招聘普工/操作工 - K 上海复星旅游管理 旅游/景区 更换职位 职位详情 苏州 不限 中专/中技 缴纳社保 不看显微镜 不穿无尘服 恒温车间 长白班 月结工资 1.招聘普工若干; 2.负责焊机组装,接线,质检,打包; 3.年轻18岁以上,高中或中专学历以上,在电子厂做过优先,会接线组装; 4.空调车间,不穿无...
1、从事硬件平台研发,包括方案设计、电路设计、PCB设计、固件设计;配合嵌入软件工程师完成相关软件开发和测试工作; 2、要求具有一定的硬件研发经验,熟悉商用/工业领域仪器、仪表等电子产品的硬件开发设计; 3、与工厂生产技术部协作及电子器件供应商沟通; 4、独立安排工作进程,解决问题完成任务。任职要求: 1、本科及以上...
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