Although, we did not find any significant interaction between the SNP variants by linear univariate analysis but results show the effect of 'CT' genotype on 'TT' genotype in rs4586 by considering rs1024611 as covariate. Based on these results it is imperative thatCCL2mediated pathology may be...
MCP-1 concentrations and rs1024611 genotypes were determined in 2042 individuals (972 pCAD patients and 1070 healthy controls) belonging to the GEA Mexican Study. GEA: Genetics of Atherosclerotic Disease; pCAD: premature coronary artery disease; and MCP-1: monocyte chemoattractant protein-1. To ...
(p< 0.001). When stratified by rs1024611 genotypes, higher MCP-1 concentrations were observed inAAindividuals compared toGGsubjects (p= 0.023). When performing the analysis considering sex, the differences remained significant in women (AAvs.GG,p= 0.028 andGAvs.GG,p= 0.008). MCP-1 ...