The invention is built racing service unit and the database, and receiving the product and product information of a predetermined number of the racing service addition from the seller terminal relates to a system and method for selling goods through the network, to sell an item the stored in ...
全环境育人理念下边远地区医学院校立德树人工作的实践与探索——基于右江民族医学院的实证研究 右江民族医学院作为全国唯一的民族医学院校,地处偏远民族地区和革命老区,针对高校立德树人根本任务实现面临的困境提出,须从人才培养的优化、培养平台的打造、思政工作... 卢娜,诸葛明双,张扬麟,... - 《现代职业教育》 被...
引起医院感染因素较多,手卫生是其中很重要的因素之一,医务人员是医院感染病原体定植和传播的最重要媒介,医务人员传播细菌而造成的医院感染占30%[1].手卫生是一种最基本,最重要的预防病原微生物传播的手段,是减少医院感染发生率的主要措施... 更多 关键
The insert (30) has a reinforcement semi-shell (50) for rigidifying a main semi-shell (32), where the insert is fixed inside the main semi-shell and mounted in a cavity delimited by two sheets (12, 14) of a body shell (10) of a motor vehicle. The semi-shells are made of presse...
In the highly commoditized world of systems and peripherals, its strong, comprehensive channel programs that help vendors distinguish themselves from the pack. The vendors rated "gold" in this year's VAR-Business Partner Programs Guide in the systems and peripherals area represent a wide variety ...
摘要: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a non-alcoholic Japanese plum brandy-like Japanese plum extract without decay even after a long term storage.收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 文库来源 其他来源 求助全文 JAPANESE PLUM EXTRACT 优质文献
Differential game of many pursuers with integral constraints on a convex set in the plane We study a simple motion differential game of many pursuers and one evader in the plane. We give a nonempty closed convex set in the plane, and the pursuer... IA Alias,G Ibragimov,M Ferrara,... ...