you may have come across the letters “RS” adorning the badge of certain cars. You might find yourself pondering, “What does RS mean on a car?” Is it merely a fancy logo, or does it hold a more significant meaning?
The meaning of FORCE is strength or energy exerted or brought to bear : cause of motion or change : active power. How to use force in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Force.
First Known Use Noun 14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1 Verb 14th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense 1 Time Traveler The first known use of carol was in the 14th century See more words from the same century Phrases Containing carol Christmas carol Articles...
Definition of pursuers in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is pursuers? Meaning of pursuers as a legal term. What does pursuers mean in law?
Usage: The Bank of English reveals that the use ofanticipateandexpectas synonyms is well established. However, although both words relate to a person's knowledge of something that will happen in the future, there are subtle differences in meaning that should be understood when choosing which word... cause or produce (especiallya response, reactionetc).His letter in the newspaper evoked a storm of protest.provocar bring into the mind.A piece of music can sometimes evoke (memories of) the past.evocar ˌevoˈcation(evəˈkeiʃn) , (ivouʃkeiʃn)noun ...
奥迪将在地球上最苛刻的比赛之一——达喀尔拉力赛中证明其电动技术。混合动力 RS Q E-Tron 是一款专门制造的汽车,它与任何当前的奥迪生产车型都没有任何共同之处,这是奥迪由于达喀尔 500 多英里赛段而做出的决定。当最快的时间获胜时,停止充电就不是一种选择。 RS Q E-Tr
SWIR or Sidecar Written in Rust For alternative meaning ofSWIR Rationale SWIR is a platform allowing you to build applications for the cloud and on-prem environments quickly by providing an abstraction layer between your business logic and the infrastructure. ...
The car, as with most vehicles, features an anti-lock braking system, however the Sultan RS is one the select few that does tend to lock-up on occasions, particularly under constant brake pressure, meaning the player should avoid holding the brakes to ensure efficient braking times and to ...
Switching to the Alfa, it only takes a few corners to recognise what this car does better in terms of the driving experience. The steering’s similarly numb, but considerably faster and more consistent than the variable-ratio rack in the Audi. ...