JSPL has worked with a singular focus of debt reduction of more than Rs 20000 crores from a peak of approximately Rs 46,500 cr in 3QFY17 to Rs 25,600 cr as reported in 3QFY21, the company said in a statement. This reduction of Rs 2,462 cr is over and above the annual committed...
Google will award Rs. Three crores each to four innovative ideas of social entrepreneurs who’re judged winners in a contest organized byway of the quest large on use technologyin tackling quite a lot of problems. Inviting functions from Indian non-income on how they would use expertise to tac...
4,000 crores or USD 600 million over a period of 3 years to acquire operational hotels in India In keeping with our strategy to be future ready and commitment to develop talent for the future, IHCL partnered with two leading international institutions – Les Roches in Switzerland and ESSEC ...