加拿大稅務局(CRA)一般透過以下方式計算您的年度RRSP供款限額: 您在上一年年末時未使用的RRSP扣款額度 升級 以下二者之中金額較低者: 您上一年收入的18% 年度RRSP限額 其他適用的調整 如需更多資訊,請瀏覽加拿大稅務局(CRA)網站。 我今年可以向RRSP繳納多少供款? 根據加拿大稅務局(CRA)網站頁面提供的資訊,2025年...
If you add funds to a spousal RRSP in your partner’s name, those contributions count toward the contributor’s overall limit — not the spouse’s limit. How to calculate the RRSP contribution limit You can find your RRSP contribution limit on your latest notice of assessment from the CRA....
登录CRA账户:访问CRA网站,登录My account。如果没有账户,记得先注册一个。 查看账户概览:在账户的overview页面,向下滚动,你会看到Saving and pension plans - 2022 RRSP deduction limit以及TFSA的限额。 不要只存GIC 💸 虽然GIC的利率目前较高,但过于保守的投资策略可能会让你错过更好的投资机会。RRSP是一个长期...
For a government group, the Canadian Retirement Agency (CRA) is actually pretty forgiving if youcontribute too much to your RRSP— but only to a point. They start you with a nice bit of cushion: any amount up to $2,000 over your total accrued limit won’t be penalized (though it also...
The best way to know how much you can contribute for the current year (also known as your RRSP deduction limit) is to check your most recentNotice of Assessment from the CRA. As a guideline, however, you can contribute (for the current year) the lower of: ...
The RRSP deduction limit can be defined as the maximum amount you can deduct from contributions made to your RRSPs, PRPP, SPP and to your spouse’s or common-law partner’s RRSP or SPP for a year. This maximum is set by the CRA. ...
The federal government sets the maximum RRSP contribution limit. No matter how much money you make, this is the most you can invest in an RRSP, based on 18% of your earned income. If you're looking for where to find your RRSP contribution limit for 202...
The TFSA contribution limit is defined annually by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) – for example, the limit for the 2025 tax year is estimated to be $7,000. If you contribute less than your maximum, any unused contribution room is carried forward from the ...
The RRSP contribution limit for 2024 is 18% of the earned income that was reported on an individual’s 2023 tax return, up to a maximum of $31,560.According to the Canada Revenue Agency, that figure rises to $32,490 in 2025.
RRSPs offer several tax advantages, including the ability for contributors to deduct contributions against their income and the growth of RRSP investments being tax-deferred. The contribution limit for RRSPs is set by the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) and is based on the contributor's earned inco...