You must also provide a signed agreement to buy or build a qualifying home. The best part is the withdrawal is not taxable as long as you repay it within a 15-year period. The payback amount is at least one-fifteenth a year of the amount you withdrew from your RRSP. So make sure ...
CLEAR BUTTON HOME BUYERS' PLAN (HBP) REQUEST TO WITHDRAW FUNDS FROM AN RRSP Use this form to make a withdrawal from your registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) under the Home Buyers' Plan (HBP). Answer the questions in Part A of Area 1 to determine if you are eligible to make a ...
Canada’s RRSP Home Buyers’ Plan: How it Works, Who Can Use It The Home Buyers Plan is a government program that allows Canadian homeowners to withdraw up to $60,000 from their RRSPs to help fund a first home purchase. Clay JarvisSandra MacGregor RRSP Loan: Benefits and Drawbacks ...