Rajamouli’s next film, the action movie Simhadri (2003), also starred Jr. NTR as a man leading a double life as both a servant and a fighter. Rajamouli’s father, Vijayendra Prasad, wrote the story that the film was based on—the first in an ongoing collaboration. Simhadri was a hug...
The service uses NBN’s Sky Muster satellites, and the carrier says it’ll be around 10 times faster than inflight Wi-Fi already in place on other domestic airlines around the globe like Delta in the US. The full fleet of 80 Qantas 737s and A330s will get in-flight Wi-Fisome time ...
Ray Stevenson, the British actor who starred as the villain Volstagg in the Thor films and as as the evil governor in RRR, has died. He was 58.
Hot Rod and Rodimus are both full represented in all four main modes, Optimus evolves from Orion Pax and has an acceptable truck mode with trailer. But Primal getting an alt mode he's never had before while Hot Rod does and Orion may as well ...
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