but I found that searching for ‘RRL’ on the regular site bringsup an easier interface. While some signature pieces are missing, this is great news for fans and maybe the company will lessen restrictions on stockists who in the past were not allowed...
tiny things like checking my e-mail, checking the weather forecast, checking breaking news, finding out what’s happening in the financial markets, checking who was on-line on Skype – all these things used to take
One thing I would love to share that doesn’t fit into the questions you have asked us Jill, is how honoured we were to help orchestrate the reunion of Eve Ewing, Andy Meling and Joanne Alford. It was the first time the three of them had been together since they said good bye in La...
Second, Ashley Madison provides an opportunity for ordinary people to make a choice. You are free to choose to use the site or not use the site. You have the choice to steal or not steal. You have the choice to lie or not lie. You have the choice to cheat on your taxes or not c...
You might watch the nightly news, a reality show, PBS or whatever. No matter the category of the television programing something pervasive is going on. Did you notice it? Ask someone if they saw the “hash tag” on the nightly news, the reality show, or the PBS show. Maybe they don...