A relevant review of the literature (RRL) is an objective, concise, critical summary of published research literature relevant to a topic being researched in an article. In an RRL, you discuss knowledge and findings from existing literature relevant to your study topic. If there are conflicts or...
As such, relying on outdated sources in your literature review can severely hinder the quality and relevance of your research. New pedagogical approaches, teaching methodologies, and assessment tools emerge regularly. Using outdated sources could mean that you're missing out on crucial developments ...
Our holidays are being wrenched free of any historical context or significance – Christian, Pagan, or otherwise. Too dangerous. Easter means what Easter means in this moment – this year, today. What Easter will mean next year will wait until what is needed is discovered. Easter is a “mo...
action_norm=zeromean_unitvar \ --signals_norm=zeromean_unitvar \ --noval_full_episodes \ --image_size=240 \ --rl_batch_size=256 \ --eval_seed=5000 \ --increment_eval_seed \ --critic_vmin=0 \ --critic_vmax=1 \ --network=resnet18_narrow32 \ --residual_action_norm=...
Alumina from the substrate is incorporated in low concentration (mid 10<SUP>13 </SUP>cm<SUP>-3</SUP>) and results in an extremely sharp (0.2 meV) donor-bound exciton emission line (AlZn <SUP>0</SUP>,X). For more information, please read the Rapid Research Letter entitled <IMG src=...
A television is an end device. By this I mean that a traditional television set has been a specialized device that only certain content can appear on. In the old days, about five or so years ago, you had to be someone special to get content to a television. You had to be a “Netwo...
Mean apparent th of PB estimated in 11 infants was 175.5 ± 45.6 hrs; this is comparable with th in neonates receiving PB postnatally. Based on this study, we recommend a 10 mg/Kg dose of PB for the pregnant woman to achieve a level of 10 pg/ml. This level has been found to be ...
This classical article has now become a chapter in Google's SRE book. The Google SRE book's chapter about oncall Writing Runbook Documentation When You’re An SRE Playbooks “reduce stress, the mean time to repair (MTTR), and the risk of human error.” Using a template can be benefici...
On the first meeting that you have with your lawyer, tell him that you want to have constant communication through phone calls, emails and face to face contact. This will show that you not only mean business but want to be informed constantly on what is going on with your case. ...
But leadership can be shown in many other ways, whether it’s making decisions, helping out, or showing responsibility. It could be as simple as doing the right thing, knowing that people will look up to you and will follow your example. Being a leader doesn’t mean you're more ...