The RRB Group D is expected to announce 32438 vacancy in December 2024. The salary will be in Level 01 of the 7th CPC Pay Matrix with an initial pay of Rs.18000/- plus other allowances admissible at that time. After adding perks & emoluments, the overall Railway Group D Salary will ...
RRB ALP Vacancy 2024 The RRB Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) Recruitment has announced 18799 vacancies. The vacancies have been released for 21 zones of RRB. The category-wise RRB ALP vacancy details with their respective zones have been updated below. CATEGORY RRB Zone UR SC ST OBC EWS...
However, candidates can check the vacancy list for the 2022 cycle to have a better understanding of the usual vacancy that IBPS prescribes for the RRB PO post. Check the state-wise IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 exam 2022 vacancy in the table below:...
RRB VacancyRRB PreparationRRB Recruitment The region-wise RRB Admit card details are given below: RRB Region-wise Admit Card: RRB RegionWebsite RRB Admit Card- AhmedabadClick here RRB Admit Card- AjmerClick here RRB Admit Card- AllahabadClick here ...
Scroll down to check the state-wise breakdown of the IBPS RRB Office Assistant vacancy.IBPS RRB Office Assistant Vacancy 2023The IBPS RRB Office Assistant Vacancy 2023 will be announced along with the official recruitment notification. It will include all available positions for both male and female...
zone wise and category wise in the page link given. keep checking the rrb ntpc result page for regular updates on the same. frequently asked question – rrb ntpc result 2020-21 q1 q.1. how can candidates check railway ntpc results? ans. the railway recruitment board releases the result...
IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains 2025 Vacancy The following table provides the previous year’s Office Assistant vacancies provided by the authorities: PostsVacancies(June 06, 2022)Vacancies(June 21, 2022) Office Assistants (Multipurpose) 4483 4567 IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains 2025 Salary and Job...
IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelims 2022 Vacancy As per the official notification, the total vacancy for IBPS RRB Clerk exam is 4567. Check the state-wise vacancy list from the table below: StateBankURSCSTOBCEWSTotal Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pragathi Grameena Bank 9 3 1 6 2 21 Andhra Pradesh Chai...
number of candidates vacancy level of examination the ibps result is based on the overall and sectional cut off released by the conducting body . bank exams related links syllogism tricks ibps clerk rrb ntpc full form how to prepare for bank exams sbi clerk salary rrb ntpc ssc chsl salary ...
Vacancy 9075 Application Mode Online Registration Dates June 1 to 28, 2023 Exam Mode Online Recruitment Process 1. Officer Scale-I, II, III: Prelims, Mains, and Interview 2. Clerk: Prelims and Mains Salary Package Varies depending on posts Official Website IBPS RRB Admit Card 20...