WIRE ROPE AND STRAND (SUPERSEDING RR-W-410C) (S/S BY RR-W-410E)doi:FED RR-W-410D本规范涵盖钢丝绳和钢丝绳芯.本规范不包括商用钢丝绳和钢绞线的所有类型,等级,结构和尺寸,但旨在涵盖更常见的适用于联邦政府使用的类型,等级,结构和尺寸.
请问"US federal spec RR-W-410E"是 "Are your wire ropes certified to US federal spec RR-W-410E?" US federal spec RR-W-410E 有谁找到这个标准吗? 急用!!! 不胜感谢.charley-ca 行业嘉宾 UID 70402 精华3 积分37653 帖子821 福步币 18 块 阅读权限 140 注册2006-2-20 状态 离线 #2 发表...
DPW-375M-2-W-V DPW-500M-1 DPW-500M-1-NS DPW-500M-1-W DPW-500M-2 DPW-500M-2-NS DPW-500M-2-NS-W-V DPW-500M-2-V DPW-500M-2-W DPW-500M-2-W-V DRF-075M-135-A DRF-075M-180 DRF-075M-180-A DRF-075M-90-A DRF-094M-180 DRF-094M-180-A DRF-106M-180 DRF-106...
Meanwhile, the product manufacture can be organized according to those worldwide known standards such as GB,DIN,JIS,ASTM,RR-W-410,API,ISO and so on,with the"Langshan"brand as the registered trade mark.It has already passed the quali...
RR-W-410E 7February2002 FEDERALSPECIFICATION WIREROPEANDSTRAND TheGeneralServicesAdministrationhasauthorizedtheuseofthisfederal specificationbyallfederalagencies. 1.SCOPEANDCLASSIFICATION 1.1Scope.Thisspecificationcoverswireropesandwireseizingstrands(see6.1).This ...
如何正确连接具有rr, e, roe, rl, +lb, -lb等标识的喇叭 1. 识别喇叭标识的含义 在连接喇叭之前,首先需要明确各个标识的含义。rr、e、roe、rl以及+lb、-lb等标识通常用于表示喇叭的不同接线端或功能。rr和rl可能代表右后和右前的喇叭,e可能表示地线(Earth或Ground),roe可能是某种特殊功能的缩写或特定型号的...
28 RR-W-410G Each strand shall be in accordance with Each strand shall be served with marline wound tightly on the strand so that it is firm, durable, uniformly smooth, and free from imperfections. Type IV, miscellaneous, class 1, 5 by 19 marline-...
$1,450/mo 2bd 1ba 900 sqft 410 E Oak St W #4, Hazleton, PA 18201 $885/mo 1bd 1ba 500 sqft 727 Emerald Ct, Hazleton, PA 18201 $1,375/mo 3bd 1ba 1,850 sqft 131 Webster Ave #2, Hazleton, PA 18202 $1,075/mo 1bd 1ba Address Not Disclosed, Hazleton, PA 18202 PET FRIEND...