1. 修改 启动时查找 bootloader disk 的超时时间为 60s.2. 修复 获取版本信息时可能卡住的问题.3. ...
Modify the timeout for finding for bootloader disks during startup to 30s. Fix the issue of ineffective formatting of mmc disk. Rewrite the "Try to recovery a installed DSM system" function. Fix support for non-SATA disk systems for DSM system related operations (such as downgrade, password ...
⚠️24.3.1 Upgrading GRUB 2.12 requires rewriting the disk before upgrading. Updating update.zip will not upgrade GRUB. Modify the timeout for finding for bootloader disks during startup to 60s. Fix 'get pat data ...' may be stuck problem. Fix the problem of not stopping when build er...
which automatically backs up the DSM system settings backup (.dss) to the bootloader disk when th...