The main RE promotion scheme in Taiwan is based on Germany's Renewable Energy Sources Act of 2000. Taiwan introduced the FIT scheme in the 2009 RE Act [14]. This has been highly effective in promoting RE development. For instance, the installation capacities of onshore wind power and PVs ... OPEN RPS23RG1 reduces Aβ oligomer- induced synaptic and cognitive deficits received: 08 June 2015 accepted: 16 November 2015 Published: 06 January 2016 Li Yan1,2,*,Yaomin Chen2,*, Wubo Li3,*, Xiumei Huang2, Hedieh Badie2, Fan Jian2, ...
The libraries were sequenced using the Illumina Hi-seq 2000 Genome Analyzer platform with paired-end 100 base-pair tags to a depth of 37–40 million reads. These reads were then mapped to the zebrafish genome assembly 2010 version (Zv9). Approximately 16–17 million reads were mapped to this...
version Figure 1 RPS programs in the U S In recent years more states adopted RPS programs and many others modified their existing programs often increasing targets or adding provisions to increase diversity of renewable sources or technologies After a dry spell in 2000 03 16 more states and D ...