Stabilization media increases recovery in paucicellular cerebrospinal fluid specimens submitted for flow cytometry testing Several studies indicate that immediate addition of a stabilization media (e.g., RPMI with fetal calf serum (FCS)) to CSF improves the cell yield for... B Greig,M. Stetler㏒t...
After one hour incubation, add 15 ml fresh media to each bottle. Incubate the bottles in a 37 ℃, 5 % CO2 incubator for 48-72 h, harvest the cells when a complete cytopathic effect (CPE) is evident (95-100 % cells rounded with 10-20 % floating). The cells should be lifted off ...
Thermo-life A1286301 PBS (FLOW CYTOMETRY GRADE) 10L ¥740.00 10L Thermo-life A14731 RT X MS LY-6A/E FITC EACH ¥740.00 EACH Thermo-life A14743 HA X MS KLRG1/MAFA FITC EACH ¥740.00 EACH Thermo-life 10003V06H15 RECOM H5N1 HA1H5N1 (MIGG1-FC-H 5 UG ¥741.00 5 UG Thermo-life ...