1.If I already have examples.py with same file hierarchy in BuildRoot directory before I build the rpm package, do I still need the INSTALL section? 2.I want to create an empty directory if it doesn't exist in target system using rpm package. Is it enough to use %dir directory in ...
# this tells rpmbuild how to build your package, rpmbuild runs it as a sh # script %build #make ### # all the steps necessary to install your package into $RPM_BUILD_ROOT # first step is to clear $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %install [ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUIL...
catrpmbuild/SPECS/tengine.spec # This is a sample spec file for test rpm package %define _prefix/usr/local/nginx %define _user nobody %define _user_uid 99 %define _group nobody %define _group_uid 99 %define _sbin_path/usr/sbin %define name Tengine %define summary TengineforWebserver ...
前期参考的是这篇帖子:https://codeantenna.com/a/jUEqRgoEsZ CSDN 很多帖子都是抄的rpm 官方提供的教程:https://www.thegeekstuff.com/2015/02/rpm-build-package-example/ 这个帖子介绍了rpmbuild 的所有操作,包括把源码放到rpmbuild 创建的文件夹中,通过配置spec完成从源码=》编译=》打包=》安装的全流程,很...
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_create_an_RPM_package/zh-cn URL:软件的主页 Vendor:发行商或打包组织的信息,例如RedFlag Co,Ltd Disstribution:发行版标识 Patch:补丁源码,可使用Patch1、Patch2等标识多个补丁,使用%patch0或%{patch0}引用
RPM build并不总是从~/rpmbuild获取文件。在RPM软件包构建过程中,~/rpmbuild是默认的RPM构建目录,但实际上可以通过修改环境变量或使用其他目录来指定构建目录。 RPM(Red Hat Package Manager)是一种用于在Linux系统上打包、分发和安装软件的工具。在构建RPM软件包时,通常需要提供软件源代码、spec文件和其他相关文件。
rpmbuild 通常在基于 RPM 的 Linux 发行版(如 CentOS、Fedora、RHEL 等)上可用。你可以通过检查是否已安装 rpm-build 包来确认系统是否支持 rpmbuild。 bash rpm -qa | grep rpm-build 如果系统未返回 rpm-build 包的信息,则说明需要安装它。 2. 安装rpm-build软件包 如果系统尚未安装 rpm-build,你可以使用...
rpmbuild-- Build RPM Package(s) Synopsis Building Packages: rpmbuild{-ba|-bb|-bp|-bc|-bi|-bl|-bs} [(1)rpmbuild-options]SPECFILE... rpmbuild{-ta|-tb|-tp|-tc|-ti|-tl|-ts} [(1)rpmbuild-options]TARBALL... rpmbuild{--rebuild|--recompile}SOURCEPKG... ...
RedHat Package Manage When we create an RPM using rpmbuild, the binary files are stripped. The intention is to reduce the file size, without affecting the functionality. This is the default setting, configured using the rpm macro__os_install_post. ...