结果还真行,不过有个小插曲就是提示什么网盘网址检查认证什么的,提示让加个“--no-check-certificate”,都是小问题了。然后就安装呗,rpm -ivh ...,问题又来了,真是一坑放过一坑拦啊,提示not an rpm package,这是在逗我么,我从官网下载的你跟我说不是rpm包。结果网上一顿百度,搜索结果到是挺多,看来有蛮...
安装rabbitMQ时,出现一个错误。过程如下: 使用wget https://***.rpm下载的安装包 在安装时出现了 [root@bigdata111 rabbitmq]# rpm -Uvh erlang-23.2.7-2.el7.x86_64.rpmerror:erlang-23.2.7-2.el7.x86_64.rpm:not an rpm package(or package manifest): 下载的文件显示不是一个rpm包,奇怪了 文件夹...
是使用 rpm -ivh * 时在该目录有属于不是rpm包的文件所致。移走即可。
not an rpm package (or package manifest):Input/output error//报错信息 解决方法:重新下载新的RPM安装包,原因是因为RPM包有损坏,多发生在挂在CD的情况下 下载RPM包地址http://rpm.pbone.net/
51CTO博客已为您找到关于not an rpm package (or package manifest):的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及not an rpm package (or package manifest):问答内容。更多not an rpm package (or package manifest):相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和
error: /tmp/punit/python-perf-3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64.rpm: not an rpm package (or package manifest). But if i can install it using rpm -ivh or yum install, there is no problem during installation. This is another rpm /bin/rpm -qp --queryformat '%{NAME}' /tmp/punit/python...
error: zip-3.0-11.el7.x86_64.rpm: not an rpm package (or package manifest):# Added later.As stated below, the issue has been fixed by the Virtual Machine reboot. I suppose something went wrong with the attaching of the disk to the VM.VK...
2015-01-07T11:03:33.445 INFO:teuthology.orchestra.run.plana43.stderr:error: ceph-release-1-0.el7.noarch.rpm: not an rpm package (or package manifest): 2015-01-07T11:03:33.449 ERROR:teuthology.parallel:Exception in parallel execution Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/teuthwor...
filter=rpmsHowever I am getting the error error: gitlab-ce-9.4.5-ce.0.el7.x86_64.rpm: not an rpm package (or package manifest): when I try to install it. I changed permissions etc but not working. Please check the screenshot for more details. Cheers Mian...
一般这种问题是因为 rpm 包坏了, 可以用 rpm --checksig 等方式检查一下包的完整性 ... 重新下载或者换盘试一试 ...