方案二 打开configure,发现里面有#define malloc rpl_malloc一行。分析 configure 脚本相关的代码,原来是ac_cv_func_malloc_0_nonnull引起的,OK我们不让它检查了,产生一个cache文件arm- linux.cache,欺骗configure: [root@linux tslib]# echo "ac_cv_func_malloc_0_nonnull=yes" > arm-linux.cache [root@linux...
编译tslib,执行make时提示undefined reference to `rpl_malloc' 是因为config.h.in文件中有 /* Define to rpl_malloc if the replacement function should be used. */ #undef malloc 把#undef malloc注释掉重新make即可
/opt/toolschain/3.4.1/arm-linux/lib/libjson.so: undefined reference to `rpl_malloc' 很显然,在链接libjson库時发生了错误,libjson不知道为什么链接了两个不存在的函数:rpl_realloc和rpl_malloc。因为工具链中的所有库都是自己编译的,所以只能从自己身上找错误==。 遂重新编译libjson,发现config.h里有下面...
I'm compiling libmaxminddb statically as a vendor library in my source code using cmake (I was dictated to don't include more external dependencies, including package manager ones...), and when compiling on my CI servers i get just only a undefined reference to rpl_malloc'error when ...
hiredismalloc错误 undefined reference torpl_malloc 打开config.h.in,把如下两句删掉, 重新make即可。 注: 修改config.h.in后,不需要再次configure,因为再次configure可能会重新生成config.h.in,导致下面的这两句又出现在config.h.in里面。 linux #define ...
Just cross compile espeak-ng for Openwrt, Errors arise at final make stage :Author midaszhou commented Jan 2, 2017 I've deleted lines of "#undef malloc" and "#undef realloc" in config.h.in before, otherwise it would cause "undefined reference to rpl_malloc" error during making. Dose...
交叉编译: undefined reference to `rpl_malloc' 在 当前目录查找了rpl_malloc,发现configure里有#define malloc rpl_malloc一行。分析configure 脚本相关的代码,原来是ac_cv_func_malloc_0_nonnull引起的,OK我们不让它检查了,产生一个cache文件arm- linux.cache,欺骗configure: ...
undefined reference to `rpl_malloc' 编译tslib,执行make时提示undefined reference to `rpl_malloc' 是因为config.h.in文件中有 /* Define to rpl_malloc if the replacement function should be used. */ #undef malloc 把#undef malloc注释掉重新make即可...